Cleaveland's Paintings Now in Permanent Collection of State Botanical Garden of Georgia
Two of Georgia artist John Cleaveland's newest paintings, both completed on December 31st of 2020, are now in the permanent collection of the University of Georgia’s State Botanical Garden of Georgia:
Resilience and Flow / Anthony Shoals, Broad River, GA
Delicate Balance
John L. Cleaveland, Jr. has recently completed two commissioned pieces of Georgia native plants to be part of the permanent collection of the State Botanical Garden of Georgia.
The pair of large-scale oil paintings are now installed at the Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum at the Center for Art and Nature at the State Botanical Garden. Cleaveland’s two large-scale oil paintings, Delicate Balance and Resilience and Flow, Anthony Shoals, Broad River, GA, each measure 49 x 97 inches. The landscape paintings focus on the habitats of two critically endangered wildflower species included on the State Heritage List – the Shoals Spider Lily and the Smooth Coneflower.
Timed visits are now available at the Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia: